The Most Common Injuries Sustained In Cars

If you drive a car, you’re putting yourself at risk every time you get into it. A road accident could be down to a fault of your own or another road user, and the injuries sustained in cars can be painful at best, fatal at worst. Not that this post is designed to put you off driving, or anything – however, you can read on to get an idea of the most common injuries sustained in cars.

If nothing else, it’ll give you an incentive to drive safely at all times.

Neck Injuries
Whiplash is a type of neck injury, and very common in car accidents. Whiplash happens when a collision causes the head to suddenly shake forward or to the side. This puts too much pressure on the ligaments of the neck, causing strains and/or sprains. Most cases of whiplash resolve themselves over a period of time. One of the reasons car insurance premiums continue to shoot up is because of whiplash claims.

There are more serious neck injuries though, such as those that lead to disc herniation. These might require extensive physical therapy and sometimes even surgery.

Leg and Knee Injuries
Leg and knee injuries are usually the result of part of the car getting smashed into the driver or passenger and can lead to everything from cuts to bruises to broken bones. It’s possible to injure your ankles or break toes during a car accident.

Broken Bones
The most serious types of bone fractures in car accidents are “compound fractures,” where the bone pierces the skin and sticks out. This is considered a major emergency because of the pain involved and the high risk of infection. Regardless of how serious, broken bones always require emergency care. A firm such as can help to minimize stress from your accident when dealing with a broken bone.

Back Injuries
While minor injuries such as strains and disc dislocations often only require supportive care, blunt force can also cause serious injury to the spine. This can mean chronic pain and loss of mobility.
Concussions occur when the brain is shaken severely inside the skull. This is often the result of hitting your head on the window or the steering wheel after a serious collision. Symptoms like vomiting, severe nausea, headaches and disorientation will require a hospital visit. Mild concussion may just require plenty of rest.

Traumatic brain injuries may require surgery to alleviate any serious bleeding or pressure that appears on the brain. If you black out at all, a visit to the hospital is a must.

Healthcare After A Car Accident

Lots of motor vehicle injuries require emergency care. Injuries to the spinal cord, head or limbs will require emergency care. Many other vehicle injuries, however, could easily be treated at an emergency care clinic.

Regardless of the severity of your injury, it’s important that you see a healthcare provider after a motor vehicle accident. Sometimes injuries are not obvious right away, or could worsen over time if not taken care of properly.