Tips and Tricks on Preparing For Your Driving Test

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The day you take your driving test can be one of the most nerve-wracking days of your life, and it is straightforward to get overwhelmed. When you drive, you may find yourself worried that you may fail, wanting to give up, and concerned about your and others’ overall safety. However, it is good to remember that you won’t be asked to do anything you haven’t already done dozens of times before in your lessons during your test. And the examiner will always have their brakes and can take control of the car if you do not feel safe. Nevertheless, here are a few tips and tricks to help you prepare for the day. 

Make Sure You Have Taken Enough Lessons

This may seem self-explanatory, but the essential way to prepare for the driving test is to make sure you have taken enough lessons. There is no point going to the test centre if you feel like you are not ready. Do not worry or compare yourself to other people who may also be learning. Everyone is different, and driving is no easy feat. So, take your time and discuss this with your instructor

Before taking your test, get an expert opinion and ask your instructor if they think you are ready. If your instructor thinks you need a few more hours of lessons to polish up on some key areas and correct any mistakes, we urge you to listen to them. After all, they’ve probably worked with enough learners to know who is likely to pass and who isn’t. Plus, it’s in your instructor’s best interest that you pass the first time—so you can trust their judgment!

Know What to Expect 

Nothing is scarier than the unknown, so make sure you have an idea about what to expect on the day of your driving test. Your instructor should also have covered this with you. 

The Night Before Your Test

Get plenty of sleep if you can. This will help you focus during the test. If you are tired, you risk your reactions being slower than usual, so it is crucial to get those snores in. You may even find it easier not to tell your friends and family about the test as it might keep some pressure off. 

The Morning Of Your Test 

Most instructors recommend that you take a lesson just before your test. This usually lasts an hour and is a chance to warm up. Shake off your pre test nerves, and this is a chance to make mistakes so you don’t repeat them in the test. 

It is also a good idea to go to the test centre 15 minutes before the test is about to begin. That way, you have a chance to have a sit-down, a drink of water and a toilet break, and a chance to calm yourself down. 

Calm Your Nerves

No matter how prepared you are for your driving test, it is likely you are going to feel nervous on the big day. Even the most confident drivers can be thrown off by an examiner, which makes sense because driving with a complete stranger can put you off! Even so, try to focus on the road and not what the examiner is writing. Treat the practical test as a regular drive as focusing on high stakes will only add to the pressure and increase your nerves. 

If you find yourself struggling to stay calm, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. 

Don’t Worry If You Fail

A lot of avid drivers worry that they are going to fail their driving test, but it is essential to try your best and stay safe. No matter how much you want to get out on the road by yourself, there’s no point in taking your test until you are ready. Rushing to pass will only leave you lacking the experience you really need to be on the road independently. 

Bonus Tip! Listen At The End!

You will be given some of the best driving advice you ever get whether or not you have passed or failed at the end of your exam. If you have failed, the examiner will clearly explain why and what you can do better next time. Even if you have passed, the feedback the examiner gives you will be invaluable as there is always room to improve your driving. 

What Happens if You Pass?

If you pass your test then it’s time to celebrate! However, it is also time to be sensible. If you feel too excited, it may not be a good idea to drive your car as you still need to be focused and safe. Furthermore, you need to sort out your insurance if you own a car. So, get on the phone to the insurance company and discuss what insurance you may need as a learner driver. It’s a good idea to go the whole hog and that includes incorporating an auto collision death lawyer as it is better to be safe than sorry.