3 Useful Reminders for Staying Safe on the Road

Across the globe, over 1 million people die in car crashes every year. While it’s not impossible to completely avoid car accidents all the time, there are things you can do to reduce your risk of getting into one. 

The sad reality is, if you’ve been driving for a long time, it’s easier to think you’ve got everything under control. As a result, you might start to pay less attention when you drive or get into bad habits that could get you injured on the road, and may even cause you to need a personal injury attorney.

Sometimes, some simple safety reminders are the best way to keep you safe. If you’ve admittedly started to “slack off” when it comes to your safety behind the wheel, take these reminders to heart and start practicing safe driving habits again. When you do, you’ll reduce your risk of getting into an accident, getting injured, or even worse. 


  1. Don’t Be Distracted

Distracted driving has become the number one cause of accidents. In years past, distracted driving and impaired driving went hand-in-hand, since most people are aware of the dangers of drinking and driving or using drugs while driving. 

But, since there are 3.5 billion smartphone users all over the world today, it’s important to note how big of a factor cell phones have become when it comes to distracted driving. Keep your phone put away while you’re driving, and you’re less likely to be tempted by text messages or incoming calls. 

Your sole focus should always be on the road. If you’ve let that slip in recent years, it’s time to get your eyes back where they belong. 

  1. Obey the Speed Limit

Again, this might seem like an obvious ‘tip,’ but how often have you drifted just a few miles per hour over the posted speed limit? 

While it might seem like something you can get away with (and maybe you can, from a legal point of view), it can be dangerous. Speed limits are in place for a reason, and going over them could cause you to easily lose control or not be able to stop as quickly as you need to. 

  1. Avoid Driver Fatigue

If you’re driving long distances, it’s important to take breaks every once in a while. Driver fatigue is a very real thing and it can be dangerous for you, your passengers, and others on the road.

If you start to feel fatigued behind the wheel, you could be putting yourself at risk for falling asleep or losing your focus. As stated above, driving takes your entire focus, so letting your mind wander because you’re tired makes it easier to get into an accident. 

Staying Safe for Years to Come

Are these rules things you’ve probably already know for years? Of course. Are they things you could probably do a better job of practicing when you drive? For many of you, the answer is likely yes. 

Keep these reminders at the forefront of your mind the next time you go for a drive. If you’ve been a little too comfortable behind the wheel, make a commitment to re-center your focus on safety.