Making The Most Of Your Driving Education


Driving lessons are a daunting task to undertake for anyone, no matter what age, if they haven’t sat behind the wheel of a car before. That’s hardly surprising, it’s not exactly the most natural of environments. To be sat behind the wheel a one-two ton metal box and direct it to go, at relatively high speeds, down a lane of traffic where you can’t reliably expect what every other driver is going to do, despite following road laws, is a perspective that when taken can develop into slight fear. It’s a rational fear. But getting over this and realizing that when properly followed, the operation of a car and the rules of a road exist for the purpose of safety, and that’s why it’s so important you become a responsible driver.

It’s tempting to want to tick the right boxes and plan for your driving test as soon as possible, but have you really kept your priorities right in mind? This process is about teaching you to be safe on the road, not to be on the road in the shortest time possible. This is why long, multi-week lessons are preferable to driving schools that offer ‘short passing turnarounds,’ as the ability to reflect on what you learned, your errors and actions that contributed to those errors, is invaluable when it comes to driving. You’ll be driving all your life if you pass your test, and so you want to set up the best habits possible, right now, that will ‘steer’ you right.

Ask Questions

Always make sure to ask questions, no matter how stupid. The instructor is being paid on your time, not the other way around. If you have to ask them about a concept multiple times, you should ask them about a concept multiple times. It’s human nature to try to avoid being seen as naive, or stupid, but what matters right now is that you have a functioning, realistic idea of what’s to be expected from you. Even if you’re not sure what ‘10 and 2’ is, don’t be afraid to ask. You must never pass over subjects that you vaguely understand because you’ll rob yourself driving wisdom, and that’s a quality that should be held by every driver.

Have Confidence

It’s also easy to feel fearful of operating the vehicle. If you’re with a safe, professional instructor, he/she will have a second wheel that allows them to override the steering of the vehicle. They should also have a set of brakes. This means that the likelihood you’re going to hit something or somebody is practically zero.

This will never be the case for the rest of your driving career so make use of it here. This doesn’t allow you to be reckless. But it doesn’t mean you should be afraid to accelerate slowly, or even stall the vehicle. You are learning. Be sure to take the instruction of your advisor, listen, ask them to repeat if necessary, and then execute the move you’re being shown. A confident driver is a safe driver.

If you are the unfortunate participant of a road traffic accident, check out World Classed News for the best ways to navigate the situation.

Correct Attire

Make sure you wear comfortable clothing and shoes that allow you flexibility and ability to reach the pedals.

Learn Roadcraft

Dependent on your locale, you will most likely have a ‘theory’ portion of your driving test, where you have to learn the rules of the road in your own time, through official sources, and then be tested on your knowledge in an official center. This doesn’t mean you should wait until you need to take the test in order to begin learning. You should ideally start learning before you even place your rear in the driver’s seat. Having a clear and growing knowledge of the rules of the road will help you focus on the operations of the car.

Furthermore, enjoy yourself. Driving a car will give you freedom and will last for the rest of your life. Be responsible and reasonable here to ensure you always have the best of driving experiences.